The Music Association of Auckland invited to perform at SternAuditorium, Carnegie Hall, New York

The Music Association of Auckland invited to perform at
SternAuditorium, Carnegie Hall, New York

Monday,16 February 2015

Distinguished Concerts International New York, DCINY

Jonathan Griffith, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor has invited The Music Association of Auckland to participate in a performance of Xian Xinghai’s Yellow River Cantata on the DCINY Concert Series in New York City, U.S.A. This performance in celebration of Chinese New Year. MAA will join with other outstanding choristers from around the world to form the Distinguished Concerts Singers International. The performance is under the baton of Maestro Jie Yi, Director of the Shanghai Opera House Chorus. Jie Yi teaches at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, In 2005, he was selected by the “Internship and Overseas Fellowship for Young Conductors,” sponsored by the U.S. China Cultural Institute, to study with Maestro John Nelson in Paris. He received the “Huang He Fellowship” sponsored by the Asian Culture Council to study at the Metropolitan Opera with Chorus Master Donald Palumbo. Mr. Yi studied conducting with Professor Zhang GuoYong at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music where he received his Master’s degree of Conducting and Bachelor’s degree of Composition. He has conducted, among others, the Ensemble Orchestra de Paris, Orchestra de Besancon, the Estonian National Youth Orchestra, Parnu City Orchestra, the Shanghai Opera House Chorus and Orchestra, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, LanZhou Opera House and Sichuan Symphony Orchestra.

Donation Invited : 0800 588 118

Donations will support MAA Choir members to perform “Yellow River Cantata” with Distinguished Concert International New York [DCINY] at Carnegie Hall ,New York on 16 Feb 2015.

請捐助MAA歌唱團成員於2015年2月16日往紐約卡內基音樂廳與DCINY演出 “黃河大合唱” 。

· DCINY invitation 邀請函

· DCINY Press Release 新聞稿


紐約尊貴國際音樂製作Distinguished Concert International New York [DCINY]音樂總監及首席指揮Johnathan Griffith誠意邀請奧克蘭音樂協會[MAA]參加於2015/2/16 紐約市著名的卡內基音樂廳舉行的200人 “黃河大合唱” 及慶祝中國新年。MAA將會与來自世界各地的優秀歌唱團員同台演出。 黃河大合唱由易杰指揮,他是上海歌劇院的合唱團常任指揮,上海音樂學院講師。2005年美國百人會“指揮人才培養計劃” ,公派赴巴黎随指揮大師John Nelson學習。2010獲亞洲文化協會“黃河獎”,赴美國隨當今最杰出的合唱指揮家、大都會歌劇院合唱團Donald Palumbo深造 。易杰師從上海歌劇院院長及藝術總監張國勇教授。他畢業於上海音樂學院,獲得作曲學士學位和指揮碩士學位,真是博學多才!指揮過的樂團包括上海歌劇院、上海愛樂交響樂團、深圳交響樂團、蘭州歌劇院、四川交響樂團、Ensemble Orchestra de Paris、Orchestra de Besancon、the Estonian National Youth Orchestra、Parnu City Orchestra等等。